西部妇幼医学研究院 实验室介绍详细

细胞器生物学实验室Laboratory of Cellular Organelles


PI:Jia Da

      贾大课题组围绕细胞器的功能及动态调控展开工作。细胞是生命活动的基本单位。真核生物细胞中存在线粒体、溶酶体、内吞体、高尔基体等形态、功能各异的有膜细胞器,也包括加工小体、应激颗粒、中心体等无膜细胞器。我们团队综合利用细胞生物学、生物化学、蛋白质组学、模式动物 (斑马鱼与小鼠)等多种手段,来解析细胞器的新功能与动态调控,回答细胞器功能紊乱如何导致神经系统疾病;课题组同时针对神经系统疾病(包括罕见病)开发新的治疗手段。

      在NatureNat Struct Mol BiolJ Cell BiolPNASNature Communication等国际期刊发表论文40余篇,文章被引用4600余次。学术论文被NatureJCBAutophagySTTTNeuroscience Bulletin等期刊专文点评。同时,研究成果还被Faculty of 1000、《中国科技日报》、Science Daily等多家科技科普媒体报导或特别推荐。我们的研究先后获得基金委杰青项目、重大研究计划、面上项目、科技部重点研发计划等项目的支持。


Da Jia is a professor at Sichuan University. His lab is interested in cellular organelles, such as endosome, lysosome, mitochondria, and stress granules. Using a combination of cellular techniques, biochemical approaches, and zebrafish models, his lab aims to discover novel functions and regulation of cellular organelles. His team is also interested in discovering how perturbation of normal organelle functions leads to diseases, such as neurological disorders.

Dr. Jia has published over 40 papers, including in NatureMolecular CellNat Struct Mol BiolJ Cell BiolPNASNature Communications and STTT, altogether cited more than 4600 times. He is also the recipient of multiple prestigious awards, including SER-CAT Young Investigator award, USA Cancer Research Institute Fellow, and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (Jie Qing).

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